Talk By Volker Stollorz: Why Democracy Needs Science Journalism About Science
May 6, 2017
This BIOspective event, which we have advertised for the 17th has to be postponed to the 22nd.
„Stem cells, GMOs, genome editing and vaccinations are hotly debated public issues in the mass media. How can scientists better engage with the public so that misunderstandings or misrepresentations are minimized? In his talk Volker Stollorz will illuminate the role of science and journalism in today’s social fabric, define what good science journalism aims to achieve and why knowledge and trust about who knows what about what has become a scarce resource in the age of digital mass media. He will discuss options for a career in science journalism and will explain the basic concept of the Science Media Center Germany, which connects scientists, journalists and the public in new ways. Democracies need the best available evidence for collective decision making for which both scientists and science journalists play a crucial role.“
The career perspective initiative „BIOspective“ from the M.Sc. Molecular Biosciences organizes talks from people working in the diverse fields of the biosciences & invites all interested students (no matter if undergraduate, graduate or PhD) to their talks.